Immaginario scientifico ScienceMuseum

More than a museum: a place for explorers of knowledge, a way to see science in action, with the whole family.

Trieste museum

Inside Warehouse 26, in the Old Port of Trieste, over 100 hands-on exhibits, multiprojections, a planetary and labs, to discover natural phenomena, the most innovative applications of science and the research activities of Trieste’s science system institutions.


Pordenone museum

In an evocative and bright industrial archaeology context, the Torre’s former Cotton Mill, colourful and engaging interactive paths make science touchable, accessible, fun.



The museum offers schools hands-on experiences, tinkering, workshops, visits and discussion games.

Our aim is to intrigue school students of all levels through experimentation and direct participation. The museum becomes for them a physical and mental place to make practical experiences, but also to ask questions, reason, make mistakes and gain new insights: all fundamental stages in the journey of knowledge.

We are currently working on the 2024-2025 proposal: sign up for the newsletter to receive all updates.